Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug Activity Very low to low Very low to low Very low to low Fadeouts Possible Possible None expected 10.7cm/SSN 78/17 77/16 76/14 COMMENT: Solar activity was very low over the last 24 hours. Region 2671 is the only active region on the solar disk visible from the earth. No Earth-directed CMEs were observed in the available LASCO imagery during the last 24 hours. The previously anticipated effect of the positive polarity coronal hole strengthened the solar wind stream today. The solar wind speed gradually increased from 410 to 590 km/s during the day. The north-south component of IMF, Bz varied mostly between +7/-10 nT during this time, whereas Bt varied between 7/13 nT. Solar wind speeds are expected to remain elevated for 18-20 August due to the effect of this coronal hole. Very low to low solar activity is expected over the next three days (18 to 20 August) with further C-class events possible. There may be a minor chance of M-class activity on 18 and 19 August.